lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Día del Libro 2º ESO

Como continuación al Maratón de títulos que los chicos realizaron el curso pasado en 1º de ESO, este año, ya en 2º, les ha tocado profundizar en la vida y obra de algunos autores de la literatura en lenguas española, francesa e inglesa. El objetivo último de las áreas lingüísticas es que nuestros alumnos/as hagan una presentación oral del trabajo realizado ( en power point, mural etc...) en las tres lenguas que aprenden. Os dejo la ficha que les ha servido de guía, cada una de ellas trabajada en el idioma correspondiente, así como fotos del acto , que dejan constancia de todo esto que os cuento. ¡¡¡Todos estaban guapísimos y nerviosísimos!!!:

APRIL 23rd 2011

Birth place / nationality

List of his/her most
important works
Date of birth

Studies carried out
(Referring to classical authors you can write about some other interesting facts about their education)
Other jobs and hobbies
(It may be interesting to know that his/her job is not related to his literary field))
Choose one of his/her works and find out:
When it was written.
Its main theme

Research on the place and time when the work takes place.

Importance(why the work is still studied today).
Award-winning works

Cities or countries that the author visited
(It will let us see some of the authors encounters with other cultures)
Death date

Death place

4 comentarios:

  1. I remember this day!
    It was Wednesday, in French lesson.
    We are very nervous because we have to talk about a writting.
    My group must talk about Jules Verve and our work was in French

  2. Our group spoke about antoine de saint-exupèry. m
    Moreover we had to do in french, more difficult.
    Why you put two photographs of my group?
    This is not right.

  3. ohh I remember this day.
    everybody was nervous about the power point presentation of the mural but everything went well at the end.

  4. In the exhibition I don't remember anyting.Ihate the nerves.
